This is no ordinary role
The Role
Trustees are the people who serve on the governing body of a charity. They are responsible for the general control and management of the administration of a charity, though some of these powers are devolved to staff.
There’s an independent charitable Students’ Union in almost every University in the UK. Once the home of the traditional “Union bar”, they’re now multi facted operations that cover student recreation, clubs and societies, welfare, student representation and student campaigning .
As a trustee you have legal responsibility for the charity, ensuring that it is solvent, well-run, and delivering the charitable outcomes for the benefit of the public for which it has been set up.
To do this, you ensure compliance with charity law and other regulation whilst using reasonable care and skill in your work as trustees, using your personal skills and experience as needed to ensure that the charity is well-run and efficient.
The Commitment
Trustees in Students’ Unions typically need to commit to between four and six meetings a year, with some additional duties or committees depending on your availability.
All Students’ Unions pay reasonable remuneration for expenses incurred as a result of carry out duties in your role.
The Board
Students’ Union Boards are typically made up as follows:
Appointed External Trustees, recruited from outside the organisation
Student Officer Trustees, elected paid Union officials
Student Trustees
The Officer Trustees are elected by the generality of students or by their peers in a specific sub-grouping of students in large, high profile annual elections.
The Support
We are all committed to ensure our trustees are enabled to carry out their duties to the highest standard. With this in mind, your specific Union will lay on an induction programme for successful applicants with additional development opportunities provided when recognised.
By using this service the unions have access to a Trustee “Meet and Learn” day to be held in the Summer.